
It's now about a week since the Early Access for the Revit Family App went live, and I'm quite happy with the progress during this week.

While I haven't communicated as much as I wanted with the early adopters this first week, I've got really good and useful feedback which was very helpful for this week's priorities.

I have always been against weekly sprints as they seem generally too short to get meaningful work done - however this week was super productive.

I was able to build out the first new feature (symbol lines), fix known issues (layout center distribution and mullion y-positioning in generated family), change the initially supported Revit version down to 2018 (lots of the early adopters are to my surprise still on older Revit versions), and implement a blog and email newsletter (both with frontend and backend).

There is now also a new Early Access page, which offers 3 different plans to join.

The main focus this week was to build out my own blog and email newsletter within the Revit Family App, as it will allow more automation and a deeper integration into the service going forward. It also comes with the benefit that I don't need to share any data with third-party services, that I can be super strict with no user tracking, and that I have more flexibility in building out a great user first experience.

I'll send out my first newsletter to the already joined early adopters tomorrow, where I will go more into details on all the work completed this week.

My plan is to spend tomorrow (the last day of the week) mainly on writing (email updates, first blog posts, etc.) and planing out the next week, which will be mainly focused on new features and a few improvements for the new symbol line feature. I hope to get enough feedback from the early adopters to prioritise the right things.

I want to move as quickly as possible and 4 days of development and 1 day of writing and marketing seem to be a good balance for the first couple of weeks. So will see how that goes...

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