
Now, where I've the full working week to myself, I don't have to squeeze working on my own projects into the early morning or late evening hours anymore. I can actually organise my days in a healthier and more productive fashion, taking more time for myself, read and write more, write code when I'm the most focused and work on marketing and other content related topics in between. I don't have to stick to a fix 10am-6pm schedule and depending on how my days go, I can work more or less hours, earlier or later.

One particular change that my wife and I started to do since the beginning of this week has been to go for a morning swim at the nearby beach.

At first, it took some convincing of myself, as my default would be to get up and start working, rather then spending time for my well-being or even fun. Just the thought of jumping into the cold Atlantic Ocean as one of the first things in the morning wasn't particularly appealing to me.

However, my wife successfully convinced me to give it a try and to my surprise, I actually enjoyed it. First, the water isn't cold at all, which is apparently a thing here on Madeira due to it's location as well as the lava sand, and second, I felt so much more refreshed and started my actual working day in a much more productive way than usual.

I don't want to fully credit this productive week solely on our new morning routine (which we managed to do 4 out of 5 days), but it has been a super productive week, completing my first project of redesigning the Revit Content website.

Next week I'm going to dive fully into coding on the Revit Family App and kicking off the creation of the long overdue documentation for all of the Revit Families.

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